Staff/counselors will arrive on Sunday, June 8 times TBD. Camp will end Friday, June 13 at noon.
Camp is free for Staff/counselors. Counselors must be 15 on or before June 7th.

New counselors and staff:
Community of Christ Participants:
- Complete this application and send to your pastor Youth Worker Application
- Email to set up a phone interview with the Moja director.
- After your phone interview you may be asked to formally register in March.
Non Community of Christ participants.
- Complete the form above and send the completed Youth Worker Application to and the Moja director will set up a phone interview with you.
- Camp Moja Packet: Click Here
- Youth Worker Application
- After your phone interview you may be asked to formally register in March.
- Complete the form above and send the completed Youth Worker Application to and the Moja director will set up a phone interview with you.
Returning counselors and staff
We will have a closed campground this year, so once you are on the grounds you will not be able to come and go. Please wait to sign up if you are unsure if you can commit to the whole week. Please direct any questions to Jackie at
Staff positions are assigned by the directors. If you are interested in a noncounselor position, please email